East Anglian

Association of


Est. 1952

Next meeting


14 & 15 NOVEMBER 2024

Core Topics meeting Harold Youngman Prize and Medal

The next East Anglian Asssociation of Anaesthetists annual Core Topics ​meeting will be held at Rowley Mile Racecourse, Newmarket on 14th & ​15th November 2024.

We are planning on being in person this year so come and mingle with ​colleagues old and new, find inspiration from our keynote speakers and ​marvel at the projects and achievements of our colleagues-in-training. ​

spiral calendar

14 & 15

Nov 2024

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The Harold Youngman Prize and Medal

Showcase your projects in Anaesthesia, Critical care and PHEM

Present to a friendly, knowledgeable audience.

Research, QI, Audit, Reviews and Case presentation submissions are all welcome.

First prize £750 and the prestigious Harold Youngman Medal.

East Anglian Association

of Anaesthetists

Core Topics & Harold Youngman

Prize Meeting

Thursday 14th and Friday 15th

November 2024

The Millennium Grandstand,

Rowley Mile Racecourse,

Newmarket, Suffolk CB8 0TF

We have excellent speakers including talks on:

Regional anaesthesia

Mercy ships

Anaesthesia for patients with

heart transplant


Chronic liver disease

Sickle cell disease

Maternal medicine

NIHR and perioperative research

Requesting senior support

Extubation guidelines

Silver trauma

Oral & poster presentations for the

Harold Youngman prize.

5 RCoA CPD points per day to be applied for

The Harold Youngman Prize and Medal

Open to all Medical students and Doctors in training within the ​East of England School of Anaesthesia or for work completed ​whilst in a training post within the East of England School of ​Anaesthesia. CCT holders may not enter.

Please submit your abstract by e-mail to:

haroldyoungmanprize@gmail.com by 7th October 2024.​

Maximum 400 words (including title, authors, institution an​d references) plus 1 figure or 1 table only.​ ​

Please supply the full name, grade, email address & place o​f work for the main author.​

Only one main author may submit and present the work.​

Please note that case presentations will require patien​t consent.​ ​

spiral calendar

Submission deadline:

7th October 2024

The EAAA Committee

President Dr Claire Williams

Secretary Dr Nicola Barber

Treasurer Dr Rachael Morris

Core Topics and Harorld Youngman Prize

Meeting Organisers

Dr Kavitha Kuntumalla

Dr Laura Kessack

Dr Kat Kohler

Dr Na​o​mi Pritchard

Newsletter Editor Dr Cl​aire Williams

Website Dr ​R​omit Samanta

Latest newsletter in full here


Previous prize winners

Congratulations to all of our previous participants in the Oral presentation and Poster presentation competitions


Programmes from previous



Previous Newsletters

2023 Judges

and Winners

Shortlisting ​judges

Dr Katharina Kohler,

Addenbrooke's Hospital

Dr Richard Haddon,

Addenbrooke’s Hospital

Dr Michael Irvine,

Norfolk and Norwich ​University Hospital

Trainee Oral ​Presentation ​Judges

Dr Santosh Kumar, ​Norfolk and Norwich ​University Hospital

Dr Chris Sharpe,

Norfolk and Norwich ​University Hospital

Dr Peter Featherstone,

Addenbrooke’s Hospital

Trainee Poster ​Presentation ​Judges

Dr Manasi Bhagwat,

Norfolk and Norwich ​University Hospital

Dr Helen Boys,

West Suffolk Hospital

Dr Tanya Smith,

Addenbrooke’s Hospital

1st prize

2nd prize

3rd prize



Dr Engy Samuel

Dr Luke Hoskins

Dr Hannah Neil

Poster ​presentation

Dr Jos Crush

Highly ​commended

Tom Harris

(Poster presentation)

2022 Judges

and Winners

Shortlisting judges

Dr Richard Haddon,

Addenbrooke's Hospital

Dr Michael Irvine,

Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital

Trainee Oral Presentation Judges

Dr Victoria Howell, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Kings Lynn

Dr Kavitha Kuntumall, Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital

Dr Vishal Patil, Addenbroke's Hospital

Trainee Poster Presentation Judges

Dr Manasi Bhagwat, Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital

Dr Helen Boys,

West Suffolk Hospital

Dr Tanya Smith, Addenbrooke's Hospital

1st prize

2nd prize

3rd prize



Dr Carla White

Dr Sohel Samad

Dr Krishma Adaita

Poster presentation

Dr Adam Robinow

Highly commended

Neil Sardesai

(Oral presentation)

Dr Basil Nourallah

(Poster presentation)

2021 Judges

and Winners

Shortlisting judges

Dr Richard Haddon,

Addenbrooke's Hospital

Dr Michael Irvine,

Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital

Trainee Oral Presentation Judges

Dr Nicola Barber, Addenbrooke’s Hospital

Dr Chris Sharpe.

Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital

Dr Matthew Simpson, Lister Hospital, East & North Hertfordshire NHS Trust

Trainee Poster Presentation Judges

Dr Helen Boys, West Suffolk Hospital, Bury St. Edmunds

Dr Ping Chen,

Queen Elizabeth Hospital, King’s Lynn

Dr Tanya Smith, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge

1st prize

2nd prize

3rd prize



Dr Romit Samanta

Dr Carolyn Dales

Dr Emma Vallis-Booth

Poster presentation

Dr Peter Eskander

Highly commended

Dr Ashwini Virgincar

2020 Judges

and Winners

Shortlisting judges

Dr Richard Haddon,

Addenbrooke's Hospital

Dr Michael Irvine,

Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital

Trainee Oral Presentation Judges

Dr Nicola Barber, Addenbrooke’s Hospital

Dr Janet Pickett, Addenbrooke’s Hospital

Dr Aditi Modi,

West Suffolk Hospital, Bury St. Edmunds

Trainee Poster Presentation Judges

Dr Helen Boys,

West Suffolk Hospital, Bury St. Edmunds

Dr Famila Alagarsamy Addenbrooke’s Hospital

Dr Manasi Bhagwat, Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital

1st prize

2nd prize

3rd prize



Dr Emira Kursumovic

Dr Jonathan WH Tsun

Dr Romit Samanta

Poster presentation

Dr Charlotte Leahy

Highly commended

Dr Arun Thirunavukarasu

2019 Judges

and Winners

Trainee Oral Presentation Judges

Dr Paul Barker,

Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital

Dr Janet Pickett, Addenbrooke’s Hospital

Dr David Levy, Nottingham University Hospital

Trainee Poster Presentation Judges

Dr Matthew Simpson, West Suffolk Hospital, Bury St. Edmunds

Dr Tanya Smith, Addenbrooke’s Hospital

Dr Manasi Bhagwat, Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital

Dr Helen Underhill, Addenbrooke's Hospital

1st prize

2nd prize

3rd prize



Dr Thomas Craig

Dr Daniel Stubbs

Dr Lisa Grimes

Poster presentation

Dr Paramdeep Jandu

2018 Judges

and Winners

Trainee Oral Presentation Judges

Dr Manasi Bhagwat, Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital

Dr Rajesh Dumpala, Jame Paget University Hospital, Great Yarmouth

Dr Paul Rolfe,

Addenbrooke's Hospital

Trainee Poster Presentation Judges

Dr Siddharth Adyanthaya,

Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital

Dr Gagan Kohli,

Bedford Hospital

Dr Tanya Smith, Addenbrooke’s Hospital

1st prize

2nd prize

3rd prize



Poster presentation

Highly commended

2017 Judges

and Winners

Trainee Oral Presentation Judges

Dr Mike Hudpsith,

Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital

Dr Janet Pickett, Addenbrooke’s Hospital

Dr Mark Stoker,

Peterborough City Hospital

Trainee Poster Presentation Judges

Dr Emma Chan, Peterborough City Hospital

Dr Anita Patil, Addenbrooke’s Hospital

Dr Chris Sharpe,

Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital

1st prize

2nd prize

3rd prize



Poster presentation

2016 Judges

and Winners

Trainee Oral Presentation Judges

Dr Nicola Barber, Addenbrooke’s Hospital

Dr Janet Pickett, Addenbrooke’s Hospital

Dr Aditi Modi

West Suffolk Hospital, Bury St. Edmunds

Trainee Poster Presentation Judges

Dr Helen Boys, West Suffolk Hospital, Bury St. Edmunds

Dr Famila Alagarsamy Addenbrooke’s Hospital

Dr Manasi Bhagwat, Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital

1st prize

2nd prize

3rd prize



Poster presentation

Highly commended



1st prize

2nd prize

3rd prize



Dr Kim Wild

Dr Katie Allan

Dr Siobhan King

Poster presentation

Dr Georgia Hacke

Dr Harold Youngman

The man behind the Medal

Dr Peter Featherstone has an interest in the History of Anaesthesia and has presented his work nationally. He has kindly provided a summary of his talk on the career and achievements of one of the founding members of the East Anglian Association of Anaesthetists.

Summary of Peter's talk